Buying or Selling Telecom Tools and Equipment – Three Myths Debunked

Buying or Selling Telecom Tools and Equipment – Three Myths Debunked

Telecom Tools and Equipment Myths

Telecommunications manufacturers may not realize that they can regain a significant value from selling their used or surplus telecom tools and equipment to other companies in the industry.

There are myths out there about buying and selling used telecommunications tools and equipment which we are about to debunk. Believing these myths could cause your company to miss out on an opportunity to gain value for something you no longer need.

The most common myths about buying and selling used telecom tools and equipment are:

Buying Surplus Equipment = Used/Faulty Equipment
The term surplus means in excess, or in abundance. This simply states that a piece of equipment is not being used because it’s not needed. It does not describe the actual condition of the equipment. Most surplus equipment is brand new and is typically purchased just in case another machine breaks down. It’s not quite future telecom, but there are a lot of new surplus telecom tools and equipment available for purchase out in the industry – at a fraction of its original price.

Buying Obsolete Equipment = Nobody Wants/Needs It
With telecom tools and equipment, the actual percentage of what is reusable varies. Studies estimate the reuse potential for telecom equipment to be 25-60%, depending on the product. Recent EPA studies have estimated that 70% of what goes to the landfill can actually be reused in some way. Armed with this important information, manufacturers should not hesitate to purchase surplus equipment, and take advantage of the opportunity to generate cash flow or reduce costs.

Buying Previously-Owned Equipment = Losing Money
Actually, there’s a huge financial benefit to buying used equipment. On average, most companies save anywhere from 20-70% by purchasing telecom tools and equipment through a reseller. It’s a great way to promote the sustainability factor for your company and build rapport with online buying sites. It’s also a great way to reach new suppliers across a global landscape, which saves time, especially when looking for hard to find tools and specialized equipment.

Three myths now debunked. Whatever challenges your company may face, you’re now armed with the truth about buying or selling surplus equipment. It’s the right time to explore the many options you have to buy or sell equipment that’s sitting in your warehouse, collecting dust.

AECI is a materials management company which buys and sells surplus stock, electronic component equipment, telecom equipment, and semiconductor equipment. Contact us today for more information on how we can assist you and your inventory challenges.
